International Trade Centre, EU, to support Gambia’s Tourism, Creative Industries

(Banjul, The Gambia)
Under the stewardship of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, and the Ministry Trade, Regional Integration and Employment, the International Trade Centre (ITC) has signed an agreement with the European Union (EU) to support The Gambia’s tourism and creative industries. The five-year Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) Tourism, set to launch in January 2025, will improve the competitiveness, inclusiveness and sustainability of the tourism and creative industries to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
Building on the achievements of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Project (2017-2022), this new project will contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Gambia’s Recovery-Focused National Development Plan (2023-2027), creating jobs, generating income and boosting economic incentives for climate change adaptation and green growth, especially for youth and women.
Funded by the European Union, the $10million project will be implemented by ITC in partnership with the Government of The Gambia and local and international business support organizations and institutions.
In particular, the project will support in diversifying The Gambia’s source markets, attract higher-spending tourists year-round and enhance the country’s green and inclusive tourism services. In addition, it will develop new strategies and regulations for the creative industries, strengthen the technical and operational capacity of tourism and creative sector institutions, thereby improving the capacity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and their marketing and branding efforts. Finally, it will promote market linkages and attract investment opportunities enhance backward and forward linkages with allied sectors for inclusive and sustainable growth.
ITC remains committed to supporting the development priorities of The Gambian government, recognizing the important role tourism plays in economic diversification, job creation and poverty alleviation. Through this project, ITC will empower institutions, young people and women, and promote inclusive growth.
ITC therefore calls on all stakeholders, including businesses, the government and partners to collaborate in supporting this project.
Background – YEP Tourism and Creative Industries
The Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) Tourism, funded by the European Union, seeks to increase the competitiveness, inclusiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector in The Gambia. The objective is to create and sustain jobs, generate income, and boost economic incentives for climate