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Jammeh announces new alliance, sacks FTJ and Others

APRC and Gambia Alliance for National Unity (GANU) are forming an electoral pact for the upcoming general elections,former president Yahya Jammeh announced on Friday, 15th October at a gathering of party loyalists in Kanilai.

Jammeh addressed party militants from exile via a live phone call, broadcast over loud hailers and and online, following demands for him to clear the air on the APRC/NPP alliance announced on 2nd September 2021.

“As from now, the APRC is affiliated with GANU, not any other part,” he told militants in a night political of drama that showed Jammeh still holding sway over the APRC, throwing interim party leader Fabakary Tombong Jatta (FTJ) and others under

the bus.

“It took me long to come out and address you as I was assessing the options and also trying to sieve the chaff from the grain in the party. This has caused a lot of anxiety amongst party militants. I am sorry about that.

“I am the party flag bearer, Secretary General and supreme leader, and I did not authorise anyone to form an alliance with NPP,” he said.

In a defiant move, FJT reacted to Jammeh’s pronouncements by insisting that he’s still the leader of the APRC and no one owns his party. He vowed to continue to support president Barrow in his re-election agenda.

Barrow defeated Jammeh in the 2016 elections, leading a coalition of parties that unseat Mr. Jammeh. The ex-president is in exile in Equatorial Guinea after regional (ECOMIG)troops forced him to leave the country for refusing to concede defeat in the 2016 elections.

Barrow who was meant to rule for 3 years and call for general elections, and not to take part in it, broke away from the coalition agreement, went for full the 5-year term and formed his own party – National People’s Party, to contest next elections due in December 2021.

On 2nd September APRC and NPP announced the formation of an alliance between the two parties but refused to publish details of their agreement or let party militants scrutinise it.

Those oppose to the alliance from the APRC camp formed a ‘No to Alliance’ movement and accused the NEC of selling their party to Barrow and the NPP. The NEC denied the charges, insisting that the alliance is in the interest of Yahya Jammeh.

Opponents of the NPP/APRC pact disbelief FJT and team and asked their supreme leader, Jammeh  to confirm or deny his endorsement of the alliance.

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