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IEC’s Transparency, Capacity, Key in EU Observers’ Recommendations

“We recommend that they be published on IEC website, desegregated by polling stations and per constituency. People have a right to access such a vital information. That’s something to be done retrospectively for the last election and should be on the agenda for the forthcoming election.” The European Union Election Observation Mission told journalists yesterday […]

Toufah Jallow Retells Stories of Rape, Sexual Abuse in ‘Justifying Survival’

Fatoumatta Jallow was a first year college student in The Gambia when she fell into the entrapment of ex-dictator Yahya Jammeh, whose obsession with beauty queens led to him personally financing many local and international pageantries in The Gambia. In most of these pageantries, Jammeh personally presided over them as “Chief Guest of Honour”. Yahya […]

Scale of Killings Under Jammeh ‘Quite Serious’

The scale of killings, disappearances and torture that occurred under the regime of ex-president Yahya Jammeh became a key theme of the just concluded cartoon exhibition by The Hague based Journalists for Justice (JFJ) and a Gambian based civil society group, Women Association for Victims Empowerment (WAVE). The Gambia’s Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparations Commission established […]

Transnational Crimes: EU Comes to Gambia’s Aid

The European Union Delegation in The Gambia today announced that it is prepared to leverage its maritime security apparatus in support to The Gambia’s efforts in containing transnational crimes in the waters of West Africa’s smallest mainland country. In a press release sent this afternoon, EU Ambassador to the Gambia is quoted as saying that […]

MFDC Never Threatened Gambia: Senegalese Forces Must Not Attack from Gambia

It is now forty years: the struggle for the Southern Senegalese region of Cassamance has been on. Forty years of bloodshed. Forty years of negotiations. Forty years, and no political solution. Yet, the rebel forces had never launched an attack on sovereign territory of The Gambia. Never had we feel in anyway more threatened for […]

Gambia: Many of the Reforms Promised in 2016 Remain Undone, Outgoing US Ambassador says in farewell Message

The outgoing US Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of The Gambia, Mr R. Carl Paschall, lamented in a farewell message that many democratic reforms promised in 2016 by President Adama Barrow still remain undone. “I am encouraged that in his post-election news conference, the President underscored his commitment to continuing the democratic reforms promised in […]

Jammeh’s Ex-Interior Minister in More Trouble over Human Rights Crimes

From sexual violence’s to mass extrajudicial killings, torture and other crimes, Swiss based NGO pressing for prosecution of former Jammeh Minister today, 26th January 2026, said the report of Gambia’s TRRC has gone further to confirm many other crimes for which the once powerful man stands accused. “These new accusations highlight the crucial position occupied by Ousman […]