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#Top News

Police officers deployed at Comium to enforce Closure order

Authorities have confirmed the deployment of police officers to comium offices on Tuesday 5th October, to enforce closure order, following the suspension of the GSM operator’s licence.

The team of officers led by ASP Corr were briefed by PURA officials to close Comium after it failed to licence and other fees. The officers left Serrekunda Police Station and headed to the Comium head office.

“Yes, it is true. There was a deployment to the Comium head office. The officers will help PURA to close the company until they pay their debt,“ said one of the authorities who spoke to this reporter.

Comium, the third biggest telecommunications company in The Gambia was on Friday suspended by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) for failing to pay licenses, spectrum and international gateway fees for year 2020 and 2021.

According to PURA, Comium owes the Gambia government a debt of D65M in licenses and fees.

At a press conference organised at its head office on Wednesday, 6th October, Comium top officials expressed disappointment at PURA for suspending their company despite the earlier efforts made to engage them.

They appealed to Gambia government to lift the suspension, while promising to settle their debt immediately.

The management of Comium Gambia Ltd informed the press that their new business partner, the UK-based Monty Mobile Holding Group has promised to pay all the debt immediately, if the Gambia government agrees to lift the suspension.

Efforts to reach the police spokesperson, Superintendent Lamin Njie were unsuccessful.

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